英 ['dʒuːbɪliː]美['dʒubɪli]
- n. (犹太史)五十年节(每五十年举行一次庆祝希伯来奴隶的解放);大赦年(天主教每二十五年一次的);欢乐的佳节,欢乐的节日;重要的周年纪念
复数: jubilees;
jubilee 周年纪念,尤指50周年周年大庆,欢乐的节日
原指犹太教每50周年,即每7年为一周期,7个周期之后的大周期之年,在这一年里人们会吹起羊角,奴隶被释放,土地得到休耕或进行重新分配,以作为与上帝的和好或赎罪。部分学者经过考证后认为该希伯来词实际上是借自印欧语词,来自PIE*yu,欢乐的叫声,呼喊,词源同jubilant.比较silver jubilee,ruby jubilee,golden jubilee,diamond jubilee,platinum jubilee.
- jubilee
- jubilee: [14] Despite their similarity, jubilee has no etymological connection with jubilation [14] and jubilant [17]; but they have exerted a considerable influence on it over the centuries. It was originally a Hebrew word: Hebrew yōbhēl meant ‘leading animal, ram’, and by extension ‘ram’s horn’, and since a ram’s horn was blown to announce the start of a special year (set aside once every fifty years according to ancient Hebrew law) in which slaves were freed, land left untilled, etc, the term yōbēl came to be used for the year itself.
Greek took it over as ióbēlos and formed an adjective from it, iōbēlaios. This was passed on to Latin, and it was here that jubilation took a hand. Latin jūbilāre (source of English jubilation) originally meant simply ‘call out’, but early Christian writers used it for ‘shout for joy’. Under its influence Greek iōbēlaios became Latin jūbilaeus, which was used in the expression annus jūbilaeus to denote this special Jewish year.
It soon came to be used as a noun in its own right, and in this role passed via Old French jubile into English. By this time the ideas of ‘fifty years’ and ‘joy, celebration’ had mingled to such an extent that the word was being used for a ‘fiftieth anniversary’ or its celebration, a sense which remained current until the early 20th century (in present-day English it means simply ‘anniversary’, usually of a monarch’s accession, and the period involved has to be defined by golden, silver, etc). - jubilee (n.)
- late 14c., in the Old Testament sense, from Old French jubileu "jubille; anniversary; rejoicing," from Late Latin jubilaeus "the jubilee year," originally an adjective, "of the jubilee," altered (by association with Latin jubilare "to shout with joy") from Greek iabelaios, from iobelos, from Hebrew yobhel "jubilee," formerly "a trumpet, ram's horn," literally "ram."
The original notion was of a year of emancipation of slaves and restoration of lands, to be celebrated every 50th year (Levit. xxv:9); it was proclaimed by the sounding of a ram's horn on the Day of Atonement. The Catholic Church sense of "a period for remission of sin penalties in exchange for pilgrimages, alms, etc." was begun in 1300 by Boniface VIII. The general sense of "season of rejoicing" is first recorded mid-15c., though through early 20c. the word kept its specific association with 50th anniversaries. As a type of African-American folk song, it is attested from 1872.
- 1. She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.
- 她抵达了圣艾夫斯以庆祝女王登基25周年。
- 2. The company is celebrating its golden jubilee.
- 这家公司在举行50周年庆典。
- 3. Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee celebrations
- 维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典
- 4. the silver jubilee of the Queen's accession
- 女王登基25周年大庆
- 5. They had a big jubilee to celebrate the victory.
- 他们举行盛大的周年纪念活动以祝贺胜利.